Not with regular first team but still can win the Carling Cup Final at Wembley Stadium.
Man Utd win 4-1 on penalties againts Spurs.
And thanks to man of the match, Ben Foster for his great performance!!
Glory glory Man Utd... 3 cups to go.
salam bro...
ngeh3... sori ler tenet sini down giler..bkn x nk apdet...keje skolah pn lom buat lg..nnt Xora buat k..
Xora : Waalaikummussalam. =)
Hah, ade pun, dah lame tk dtg skolah nih. Keje skolah pun blom buat lagi. Nak kene rotan nih. Hehe. Tenet slow ek? Tmpt lahirnya Watson Nyambek pun slow ek? Ingatkan laju segalenye. Huhu~ =)
oh yeah.. GLORY GLORY ManU... heho...
tp x dpt tgk 1 game pon lg dis sem.. sedey :(
Ieqa : La yeke? Asal tk tengok? tkkan busy sgt kot. Hehe.
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