Firstly, I would like to say thanks to the organizer,
Dr Sam and wife for this great meeting among the bloggers and thanks for the very-cute-creative-gift!
Thanks to
Kak Maria for the great conversation we had. Thanks to
Kak Maria's husband, little blogger, Adam & Ayesha and
Juita for joining us. Nice meeting all of you and thanks
Farah, Nadiah & Kama for the 'concert' session after the meeting. You guys ROCK!! Huhu~

Ok, so this is
Dr Sam's wife, Kak Zayda with Ayesha (Where is the handsome one,
Dr Sam ?) Ohh.. We forgot to snap his picture because he's the one with the camera. Next time we'll snap a lot picture of him..
Kak Maria and her husband, Abg Faizal. It was a very good-nice-and-supporting husband you have
Kak Maria!

From left
Teja and Kama. Nice meeting all of you guys!
Juita & Kama, join us lagi ek next time! **
Teja and Kama nih ade bakat menyanyi rupanya! Huhu~

From left Nadiah and
Farah. You are late! Huhu~
Farah, thanks for the great 'concert' we have and Nadiah, good luck with your LiverFool. Ops.. Haha.
It was a great meeting new people in our life and I'm really grateful that Allah still give me an opportunity to meet new people everyday in my life. Thank you guys!
See you next week! =)
sorry la sbb lambat~
len kali sruh skully dtg amek ar...
baru x lmbt...
great concert??
bia betik??
farah merosakkan lagu pndai ar...
len kali jumpe lagi ek...
kita wt konsert smpai xda suara lagi..
Bestnyaa jumpa bloggers..apakan daya Ad ni yg jauhh..huhu
guys..awesome job...skull, teja and dr sam...welldone...hehehe..too bad i was not there...but looks like hell of a fun heheheheheh
Alamak. Why all the pictures same with DrSam. I was hoping I can see different ones :(
Oit, geram plak! Hish.
Faisal: The photographer of the day was DrSam je. I forgot to bring mine. Too excited for the meet-up kot! Haha.
Adik Skull,
Peh..sounds so brutal (but you're not at all & such a gentleman :)
Thank you for this entry which makes me constantly reminisceing good times I had during the meet-up. It was an enjoyable & memorable one.
I'm thankful to DrSam & Sis Zayda (and of course my ever sporting hubby :D)
P/S: I'll never forget what you told us about a group of ol' peeps (complete with white hair description, equipped with lappeys) that you thought was DrSam's group. I'm still LOL till todate. Wonder if there was woman in that group :P
Take care & live well (means sleep,eat & etc WELL :)
Farah : Hehe. No worries. Tk rosak la.. sedap je nyanyi. Kalau wat concert jual tiket tuh, dah kaye dah. =P
Ad : Mmg bes Ad. Next week join la Ad! 14 March. Weekend je. =P
Nik : Thanks bro. But im not the one who organize this gathering but credit goes to Dr Sam and his wife. It was so fun man! You should join us on the 14. Amcm?
Faisal : Ya la Faisal. Just take this pictures from Dr Sam's blog. =P Next time I'll bring my own camera. =)
Cahaya : Muka cam tengah geram je. Haha. =)
Kak Maria : Gentleman? Hehe. No la kak. Just look at me. I'm the one who can make people laugh, but for myself.. Maybe not. =) But it's ok. Really grateful if I can make people happy with me. Thats it.
** Haha. Actually me, Teja and Kama dah plan nk lepak tmpt lain. Hehe. But lucky that we finally found the real Dr Sam at Uncle Lim's. Hehe. There was no woman in that group. =)
Thanks kak. I will. =)
tak janji bro coz 14th nie aku ada job...hishhh..tak leh join lagi..apa laa nasib aku nieh...
Nice meeting you all. I just start the ball rolling and next time probably one of you, should proceed and carry out this good activity. thanks everybody for making the meeting a memorable one. Looking forward to seeing you again this weekend.
Mana de. Gambar curi. Tak aci. Tak sempat nak posing. Huhu. :P
p/s: Thanks belanja satu hari itu. lol. Lain kali, belanjalah lagi. Yeay!
rase2 kalau jual toket concert eddy nyanyi lagi laku kot...??
selling fast~
ahahaha...our 1st meeting ni klakar pun ada..but really fun..hehe..thanks skull ye..n suma yg terlibat..sapa xdtg rugi...
ps; suma org ada bakat menyanyi..tgl suara tu sedap didengar ke x..lalala...n..this blog owner pun apa kurgnya..kalah awie...wiee...hehe
itulah pasal. nyanyi sambil2 tutup mata, sampai x nampak lirik dek feel yang melampau2. :))
Nik : Why not you just tinggalkan your work for a while? Hehe.
Dr Sam : Next time I'll suggest Cahaya to be an organizer. She's the one who can attend all the gathering. Rite Cahaya? Huhu~ plus she will be one of the top artist in Malaysia. So byk sikit tarikan untuk blogger join. Haha. Peace Cahaya!
Cahaya : Haha. Tgn miracle tuh. I pun tk nmpk camera. Hihi~
Farah : Erk.. Bukan I la Farah. Teja yg akan laris kalau buat concert.. Aku hanya semut merah.. Haha.
Teja : Aah. Sangatlah kelakar ada orang yg selambe nk pegi tegur pakcik2 yang disangke Dr Sam. Fuh.. Slamat tk pegi. Haha. No problem Teja, saya hendak dilayan seperti raja bila dtg ke Melaka nanti.. Hahaha.
**Erkk. Awie? Jauh beno bezanye.. Tp lagi ok Ella baru Malaysia. =)
Cahaya : Erk.. Amboi2.. Gosip lebih nmpk. Haha. Anyway thanks to you too for the 'jajan' yang dibawa.. Walaupun.. Hahaha.
how i wish i wish... aku ada 3 event on 14th... pagi org sanding..petang rugbi game and malam ada bday org..semua suruh ambik gambar...lagi pun aku tengah nak train budak once dia dah boleh lepas sorang..ringan sikit kerja aku....
Haha. Memang sah u ni maskot Azwan Ali ni. Boleh audition ganti Mas AF. Huhu.
Walaupun ape? Hish, asalkan blom expired, okay ape. Lol. Ops!
Dr Sam : Next time I'll suggest Cahaya to be an organizer. She's the one who can attend all the gathering. Rite Cahaya? Huhu~ plus she will be one of the top artist in Malaysia. So byk sikit tarikan untuk blogger join. Haha. Peace Cahaya!
One top artist ke? Wah, bila pulak I jadi artist? I baru nak masuk Jangan Lupa Lirik pun u dah nasihat gila2 jangan pegi audition. Ndakkk patut!
Eh lupa. Amin. Semoga I leh jadi top artist nanti. :)
Ke u jadi artis dulu? Maklumlah, u kan nak featuring dalam Amboi Amboi Amboi. Haha. Peace Skully!
kalau teja wat konsert nnti...
kita jadi artis jemputan la...
*kewl gile teja nyanyi lagu ella~
MU tak bertauliah...
bila next gathering??
sabtu nie eh??
aku tak dijemput kea...???
by d way...
sape tangkap gamba aku hyper sgt tueh??
aku da la supan sutung je jumpe hari tu...
ini tidak adil buat aku...
o ye...
by d way..
gath hari tu sgt sonok oke....
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