Sufiah Yusof - She's intelligent, She's beautiful and She's Muslim.. Here is some story about her since she was 13..
Sufiah was acclaimed a child genius when she took up a place at Oxford at 13.
Reported missing on the 22 June 2000 from Oxford after the final exam.
Thursday, 6 July, 2000, 16:17 GMT 17:17 UK
Sufiah Yusof who is reported missing from Oxford has been discovered safe and well.
But the 15-year-old Oxford University student has asked officers not to tell her family where she is. She e-mailed her family on Tuesday, 11 July 2000 to say she was not coming home, but the message reportedly blames pressure at home for her failure to return. "Maybe the public will have a different view of you as devoted parents. I'm not Cry-baby Soo-Fi anymore," the message reportedly adds. - BBC News
And after a few years, shock confession of maths prodigy who turned to life of vice..
Reference : http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/0604_hooker.shtml
'Being a hooker is summing I love'
Sufiah decided to CONFESS ALL after News Of The World, Scottish News revealed how the former child prodigy was working as a £130-an-hour prostitute while studying for a masters in economics.
It is the latest heartbreaking twist to a life that seemed so full of promise—but went tragically wrong when she cracked under the pressure of her bullying father's cruel academic regime and fled university at 15.
When Sufiah reached 18 she returned to Oxford to continue her studies—and fell in love with fellow student Jonathan Marshall. They married a year later but it barely lasted a year.
"At the time I thought we would be together forever, but we married too young and grew apart," she says.
After the split she moved back to London where she taught maths in the evenings to make ends meet. Then six months ago she moved to Manchester—and stumbled across her new career. "I'm still only young and I can't decide what I want to do," she says.
Sufiah was working as an administrative assistant earning £ 16,000 a year in Manchester when an escort agency boss approached her in a bar four months ago. She'd run up debts of £3,500 in rent arrears and credit cards.
So the big rewards the agency boss promised seemed more than tempting.
"I have studied so intensely for so many years I wanted to have fun," she says.
She can't see the sordid side of prostitution—and instead likens herself to Belle De Jour—the saucy hooker played by Billie Piper in the TV drama.
"I'd read Belle De Jour's Diary of a London Call Girl and was fascinated," she said. "When this immaculate lady in a designer suit asked if I had ever considered escorting, I found it appealing.
"I went home, researched agencies on the internet and found one I thought looked professional. I sent them photographs and they put me on their site." A couple of days later Sufiah was offered her first client. She recalls: "I felt quite nervous but excited too. I slipped on some black lace underwear and stockings and suspenders and a dress, and just though, ‘Wow, this is thrilling.'
And here is some compilation words from her in the interview with NOTW. Very sad to hear and read words from this intelligent Muslim girls..
"People think escorting is sleazy and terrible but I don't see it like that," she says. "I've always had a high sex drive—and now I'm getting all the sex I want—and guys are much better in bed with an escort than a girlfriend
"I have a nice life and I am in control," she says. "I hate this stereotype society has of escorts being exploited. It is so far from the truth
"I'm happy doing what I do. Now I wonder if I could go back to a normal relationship, where you watch EastEnders and have boring sex. I've got used to being treated like a princess."
"I don't have any regrets. I've never felt more confident about my body and I've had some of the best sex of my life."
In this case, no one try to approach Sufiah back to the right track, but everyone try to make money about her story.. I'll pray for Sufiah, hope she will find the right way in her life..
"Sesungguhnya seorang hamba yang bercakap sesuatu kalimah atau ayat tanpa mengetahui implikasi dan hukum percakapannya, maka kalimah itu boleh mencampakkannya di dalam Neraka lebih sejauh antara timur dan barat" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, bab Hifdz al-Lisan, 11/256 , no 2988)"The devil promises you only poverty and exhorts you to commit evils works while God promises you forgiveness from Him and blessings. God is bounteous, omniscient" The Heifer 2:268
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kalau dah bangun call aku, aku xde kredit nak msg.
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