
Thursday, October 22, 2009

It was a GREAT night!

Did you happy if you got chance to talk to someone you admire the most? That's what I have last night! And it was great!

For a few years, I just watch, I just learn and I just really admire with his work till last night I got to have a conversation with him. He is a great film maker, film director & producer from Indonesia and I really admire his work. He is Hanung Bramantyo.

Get Married 2

Even though it's just a short conversation, it's was a great night I have. We talked about his new film and he asked me to watch it and maybe that film will be release at our cinema soon. His latest movie was Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Jusuf Kalla (JK) and Get Married 2 (Funny).

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

I've have told him that Perempuan Berkalung Sorban was a great film I ever watched from him and he said that i got taste, because Perempuan Berkalung Sorban was his favorite story he ever made.

Good Luck to Pak Hanung! Hope you'll surprise me with your great movie after this! Thanks for great film you make!



Anonymous said...

Woa, you're one lucky guy! Hanung is great! ;)

p/s: Did you get lotsa tips for your new movie?

Skullsplitter said...

yeah! i'm a lucky man! yup! a lot of tips. Can wait to meet him when im fly to jakarta.