
Friday, October 16, 2009


Alhamdulillah. I've done fully manuscript for my new novel. I've done the hard part. Now it's time for me to find any company who is wiling to publish it.

This is story about LOVE. In general, we can see it as a love story in the world, between us. HUMAN. Beside that, LOVE is not only between us, Love is more than that. Read it, you'll understand. :)

This is some of the quote in this book I'll love to share with you.

"Sejak matangnya fikiranku, sejak hati ini aku serahkan sepenuhnya pada Dia, aku dah maafkan segala kesalahan ciptaanNya termasuk kamu Kasih." – Mikail

"Aku Cinta kamu didunia dan kamu Kasih aku didunia ini, tapi Dia Cinta dan Kasih kita selamanya" – Mikail

"Allah tidak pernah jauh dari kita, terlalu dekat, pohon dan doa padaNya walau siapa pun kita. Allah itu adil." – Abang Azam

"Siapa pun dia, dia tetap manusia, dia tetap perlukan bantuan dan lebih penting, dia dah jadi sebahagian keluarga ini, dia anak mama." – Ibu Mikail


**Hope u'll like it!


Anonymous said...

Kudos on your new novel! Can't wait for it to be available on shelves worldwide. I really mean it, hope it goes global.

Mikail is one of a kind. I'm sure of it.

kec said...

..and the author is Mikail. Nice name.. *wink

Oh, have a great days ahead, Bes. ;-)

DrSam said...

Congratulation bro! You have done it. Wishing your novel a big success.

ixora said...

tahniah! simpan 1 tuk Xora..da booking awl2 nih!

mama SARA said...

want to have a copy of this novel gakz