
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Story of Pilih Kasih

For the past 2 months, our life getting worst. We didn't have proper schedule for our sleep, our meals and for ourself as well.

Busy with our new reality TV program called PILIH KASIH, We just sleep for 3 to 4 hours everyday. For now, we still feel better, but for the next 3 months? We don't know. Time for our breakfast, lunch and dinner is getting worst. Sometimes we just ate only 1 meal per day. We've tried to make ourself comfortable with the new schedule of our life but we just can't. Our whole body tired. Our brain, can't think properly. Our work getting slow. Our performance below the expectation.

With this small team and small budget, we tried to make one big program to find new actor and actress in this country. With Rosyam Nor as our leader, we gave fully comitment to make sure that this program will be one of the best reality program in this country.

What we hope from all of you, just to watch our program from every Monday to Thursday at 430pm (Diary) and every Saturday, 830pm (LIVE) at TV2. That's all.

Support Our TV Industry! Let's Make Better TV!



CAHAYA said...

If you wanna make a better TV, make sure you yourself are in good shape of health. Bak kata Ixora sblm ni, kerja tu ibadah. Tapi kalau dah rosakkan biologi diri, masalah gak tu. Nanti ibadah yang wajib pun tak dapat nak buat.

Good luck! And where's my concert tickets?

Ad Rifza said...

Insyallah...mesti tengok nanti..hehe

MariaFaizal said...

Happy 26th Birthday.
Have a great one dik.
And, thanks for sharing the info on the show.I'll try to watch it as I'm starting to work soon :D

Take care.