
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everyday Inspiration

What is everyday inspiration? Everyday inspiration is opening to the experience of unusual activity or creativity during the course of our daily routines. This inspiration can come from nature, family members, colleagues, the list is limitless.

Everyday Inspiration by Gina Mausner.

- Be with inspiring peoples.

- Have inspired moments.

- Focus on inspired thoughts.

- Be grateful.

- Inspire others.

- Celebrate.


Me? Inspiration comes from you dear.. Ya.. You.. =) Every minute is spoken for us.
Who’s doing the speaking? The universe? Your supervisor? Your self? Why not take time to listen... Shh.

Inspiration is important because it opens us to possibilities before unseen.

"Life is a creative outlet!"

Let's have a Better Life, inspiring!
You're my inspiration.. =)


Ad Rifza said...

Ad takde everyday Inspiration pin..uhukks..

MariaFaizal said...

I'm now inspired by your entry.
Cahaya & Juita - off to Kuching for holiday.
DrSam & Sis Zayda : off to Korea for honeymooning.
Me & hubby - We had been chasing our Adam & Ayesha who ran in different directions at Padang MBSA this morning.
*I'm just glad that hubby's around today to help me a lil bit wz the kidz.
Any HOLIDAY for you dik? :D

ixora said...

inspiration...dtg dan pergi sesuka hati..huahuahua...

Anonymous said...

totally agree with u..but the 2nd paragraph...u r being sweet hahahaha...nice one there...


Haula Hati said...

everyday inspiration huh??


lemme think...


lemme say this to you....

u r now, one of my everyday inspiration


thanx sbb berkongsi entri nie..


*smile & smile & smile & smile.... cz u deserved to....


Skullsplitter said...

Ad : You have it Ad. But kadang2 kite tk perasan. =)

Kak Maria : Really? Haha. =) Wow, it's a hard question to answer la kak. Huhu~ One day maybe. =)


Skullsplitter said...

Xora : Die tkkan dtg dan pegi kalau kite cepat grab and appreciate it. =)

Nik : Being sweet? haha. Which part bro. Eh.. Bile nk jumpe nih. Ade project nk bg. =)


Skullsplitter said...

Farah : Me? Ur inspiration? Are you sure? Haha. Bad inspiration or good inspiration? Erm.. Bahaye nih. Haha. Take the good one je ye. Haha but it's better if you don't follow the inspiration. Haha. Coz I'm bad! Huhu~


Haula Hati said...


really sure...

bad or good??


both kot...

farah kan fleksibel...


Anonymous said...

2nd paragraph..hehehe..bila mau jumpa? cakap jer..project apa...macam best jer..heheheh


Anonymous said...

..and they say, we only need 1% of inspiration to make that 99% works..

..and they say, we need to give and take the inspiration to/from everyone..

..and I always say that everyone inspires each other in their own way either we realize it or not..and then appreciate that we will keep on inspiring people.. the time you read this comment, who inspired you?

CAHAYA said...
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CAHAYA said...

My daily inspiration are countless. I'm inspired by you, my family and people around me.

Loves the company, loves everything.

Thanks Allah. :)

ixora said...

bro..mne cite br..?

sibuk meyh...?

DrSam said...

people around you is like a magnet. the closer you get to them, the more you will get polarized. So try finding and getting the +ve one!

p/s: You yourself is a +ve one :)