The rule: **Use google image to search the answers to the first page of results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people**
..::: The age of the coming birthday

..::: The place I would like to visit

..::: The favourite place

..::: The favourite food

..::: The favourite thing

..::: Nick name I had

..::: Name of my love

..::: My hobby

..::: My bad habit

..::: My wishlist

So, this is what I found in my 'research'. Huhu~
And I want to pass this to
1. Zara
2. Nik
3. Princess Red Blood Snow
4. Syahira
5. Nisa
6. Nicky Pendeka
7. Farah JB
8. Izwah
alamak...1st besday..ngeh2...
adodoi baby2..dak tecik la ni..
btw, thnks siapkan homework..=)
owh tag neh
okie dokie :) mcm fun jek tag neh
Insya'allah...will do week leh x bro???
Xora : Aah 1st besday. Nak kate kecik tuh tk jugak la xora oi. Dah blh ade cucu dh nih. Huhu~
Same-same. =)
Zie : Erk. Next week? Lamo la pulok. Haha. Tkpe. Buat je bile2, janji buat ye. Tp jgn la 3 thn lg br nk buat. Huhu~ Tak buat kene rotan. Haha.
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