
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sticky Note : Act Now, Think Later!!

NOTE: This is a sticky post and will only be taken down on January 30, 2014. For normal posts, read below. Thanks!

Our Company,Inner Kunst (SA0147415) founded by Mohd Zuraidi Bin Ahmad Daud (Eddy) provides a wide range of printing, stationery, sport equipment and computer. We are doing selling and supplying in banner, bunting, business card, button batch, t'shirt, flag, jacket, signboard, billboard, signage, office equipment, school project, stationery, sport equipment for school, any sport items, medal, trophy, laptop, PC and computer accessories. We also doing services of computers problem and preparation of any project or loan paperwork.

Not enough with will be truly grateful for our wide range of services as it comes with attractive package with reasonable price!

Interested? Dont hesitate to contact or email us at:

Eddy / Meor

05-791 1577

Email :

What are you waiting for?! Pick up the phone, email us and we'll hands you with a great and quality things!

Let's make better product!

Inner Kunst

From BOD Desk:
'Syukur to Allah SWT for this opportunity, thanks to my lovely wife,our family, brothers & sisters for their support, friends for the inspiration, credit to all friends for helping us. Thank you very much everybody!'


CAHAYA said...

Hope u success! Good luck.

Skullsplitter said...

Cahaya : Thanks. Side bisnes. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Ehem! Moga berjaya...dunia akhirat ye. Amin.

mama SARA said...

Congratz bro...pray for both of you....Kirim salam sam din...heheheh

booGie said...

Nak cari wedding planner.


Anonymous said...

tahniah. ingat nak buat music video la
-RG kids-

Skullsplitter said...

zara : Thanks!

Syahira : InsyaAllah. Thanks!


Skullsplitter said...

booGie : Tade hal beb! aku pun boleh jadi wedding planner ko. Hehehe..

RG Kids : Just call me at my no. Kite borak2 dulu.


Faisal Admar said...

great job! my prayer always goes to you bro!

Faisal Admar said...

oh btw, you wanna join MM?
just enter your name and exact link which will lead others to the MM post.

got it? :)

Skullsplitter said...

Faisal : Thanks for the pray bro. Got it, will do it soon. Thanks!

ixora said...

terkejut jk tgk tarikh tuh...ingtkn Xora yg salah..ngeh3...

btw, gud luck..moge brjaya..=)

rm, thnks singgah blog Xora...tukaran link..=P

Skullsplitter said...

ixora : Hey. Hehe. Terkejut ek? Erm. Sticky post. Akan sentiasa diatas. Thank you very much. InsyaAllah, I'll do my best.

Yup. Tukaran link. Sy link kan ixora skang jugak. You have a nice blog too! ;)


hakim razak said...

aku dah masuk dh pondok buruk ko ni,tp xde org..aku ada kaco kat pondok buruk la..ko je wat bodh je kat aku

Skullsplitter said...

Hakim : Yeke. Isk. Mane pernah ko msk.. hehe. tkpe. linkkan aku. nanti aku linkkan ko.


Anonymous said...

congrats bro..probably we both can work together in the future...ko tau kan aku ada studio and company for photography...and our video man normally kita sub...but the more we have the better it nanti boleh laa kita discuss regarding this... ;)

Skullsplitter said...

Nik : Yup. I know it. Will discuss about it later. =)


Anonymous said...

aight ;)

Gurl Runner Kota Bharu said...

abg edi kna tag..jgn lupa wat taw..klo ada masa la..

Skullsplitter said...

Izwah : Baik dik! Kalo rajin kang buat. hehe.


MariaFaizal said...

Wish you all the best!
Nice meeting you :D
Look forward for the next meeting which i hope i could join.

Skullsplitter said...

Nice meeting u too with ur husband, your cute daughter and son.

*Send my regards to them.


MariaFaizal said...

Do drop by at my site about our meet-up. Have a happy Sunday.

Skullsplitter said...

Kak, dah update? Hehe. Nk tgk jap. Happy sunday to kak. =)


Nizam Gtz said...

congrats!!! Selamat maju jaya...

Skullsplitter said...

Zam : InsyaAllah. Thanks for the wish and thanks for calling me. =)


D'Rimba said...

Tajuk Pondok Buruk mengingatkan saya kepada kehebatan yang amat berkesan sebuah drama Rashid Sibir di Astro dulu. Berjaya memberi kesan yang mendalam tentang ayah dan ibu dan menyebabkan saya tidak berjaya menahan sebak menitiskan airmata........


mcm kenai jer tuan punya blog....

Honeydy Love said...

business card saya bila nak siap nyer en. eddy..? lambat bebenor :)
susah nak pomote kang..

reek said...

In Malaysia everything is illegal except when Umno farts.

kentanjim said...

Razak - started racial politics and malay supremacy

Mahathir - started cronyism and corruption and ISA politic

Badawi - started sleeping culture and half pass six nepotism

Najib - start sex and killing politics

ruyom said...

UMNO is greed. UMNO is deceit. UMNO is dishonor. You Muhyiddin, you Najib, you Toyo, you Mahathir..........and so many other UMNO cohorts have brought dishonor to UMNO and shame to us Malays. You dare call Anwar a traitor. Then call me one to.

Boleh said...

I hate malay pig so much in my life
If all malay pig jump into sea and all die
This world will become very very beautiful

vesewe said...

Yes, the malays are coward - for not being brave enough to reject Umno who will be destroying the country with their kind of dirty and corrupted politic.

Skinny Yash said...

hey! good job huh? semoga ape yg diimpi menjadi kenyataan hendaknya!

keep it up! ;)

intan Norafzan said...

bro,kiranya skg ko dh xkeja dgn astro?

ixora said...

tahniah bro! da x smpai sbulan da tuh...
