The National Fatwa Council has banned females from dressing or behaving like men and engaging in lesbian sex, saying it was forbidden by the religion. Malaysia's main body of Islamic clerics has issued an edict banning tomboys in the Muslim-majority country, ruling that girls who act like boys violate the tenets of Islam, an official said Friday.
Episode 2
Harussani said an increasing number of Malaysian girls behave like tomboys, and that some of them engage in homosexuality. Homosexuality is not explicitly banned in Malaysia, but it is effectively illegal under a law that prohibits sex acts "against the order of nature." Harussani said the council's ruling was not legally binding because it has not been passed into law, but that tomboys should be banned because their actions are immoral.
"It doesn't matter if it's a law or not. When it's wrong, it's wrong. It is a sin," Harussani said. "Tomboy (behavior) is forbidden in Islam."
Episode 3
"It is unacceptable to see women who love the male lifestyle including dressing in the clothes men wear," The National Fatwa Council Chairman, Dr Abdul Shukor Husin was quoted as saying.
"(Masculine behaviour) becomes clearer when they start to have sex with someone of the same gender, that is woman and woman," he said.
What do you think? Everyone knows that homosexuality it's Haram. But on the other side I'm thinking of what was in the mind of these girls. We don't know how they grew up to become like this. This could be due to sexual abuse at a young age or some other dark sides they grew up which made them like what they are today. Some may have parents, some may be living with relatives, some may be living at orphanage, we don't know their history. Do you think we just be so prejudices? That is what was on my left side of brain said.
On the other side.. I'm totally agree with what they said about 'Tomboyism is not human creation, its God creation'. But He give us brain and idea or plan, so, why don't we use it to think and learn what was wrong and what was right? Rite? Agree with me?
My suggestion is, Council can suggest a better idea to have a session with the tomboys itself. They can invites a few of them and try to help them and find the right way to vanish the behavior slowly. Maybe these girls need professional help and someone should help them get through this. It is not so easy as to put a stop. Just my 2cent's.
"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction." - Winston Churchill
**Kasih.. Now I'm GAYS. Googling Allah Yang Satu. =)
Nice entry. I've read about this too yesterday. Sometimes, we can't judge situation as it is. Look can be easy on the outside and never from the inside.
It might be true, that this so-called against nature behavior came from traumatic experience before. Sometimes, environment also can lead them to behave that such behavior.
p/s: semua datang dari Dia, terpulang akal utk memilih!
Bicara soal fatwa, jangan mudah untuk mempertikaikannya...
Peristiwa kaum nabi Lut masih segar diriwayatkan dalam al-quran, mengapa ruang emosi melebihi dari bicara akal yang hebat, ciptaan Yang Maha Hebat?
Jangan sampai nyawa sampai ke halkum, baru mahu mengakui kesilapan diri!
Cahaya: Thanks! Agree with you. It's not easy as to put stop to this behavior but maybe being close to them will help us to eradicate this behavior in our community. And I think it's better than just to say no. Rite?
**Ilham dikurnia, akal menjadi pembeza. =)
Zam: Tidak ade sesiapa yang mempertikaikan, tapi permasalahan sebegini perlu diselesaikan dengan lebih relevan. Bukan dengan cara drastik untuk hentikan. Ini akan menyebabkan perkara ni lebih serius, bukan membantu pun. Senang cerite la, berapa ramai orang dlm dunia ni yang akan patuhi 100% undang2 yang ade? Erm..
Manusia sering berkata-kata ini salah dan itu salah. Manusia sentiasa berfikir mereka lah yang betul, mereka lah yang tepat. Adakah mereka 100% betul dan tepat?
Bab homosexuality banyak kali dipertikai, dibawa ke sana sini bukan setakat di Malaysia tapi juga di luar negara.
Saya ada beberapa persoalan tentang perkara ini:
1. Adakah mereka ini suka digelar homosexuality di mana hampir 90% rakyat di dunia against mereka? Jika ya, mahukah anda cuna untuk digelar homosexual untuk satu hari dan cuba tengok reaksi masyarakat.
2. Adakah mereka memilih jalan ini semata-mata kerana nafsu? Jika ya, why not cuba jadi homosexual untuk 1 hari? Dah kata nafsu kan? Kalau straigh mesti akan rrasa jijik untuk jadi homosexual. Tapi ingat, kalau ia adalah pilihan, mengapa kita tidak boleh jadi homosexual dan berasa jijik?
3. Perlu kah kita pinggir dan hukum mereka-mereka ini dan adakah ini jalan terbaik? Mereka tidak meminta untuk dilahirkan ke dunia sebegini. Bagaimana jika anda di tempat mereka? Oh anda bukan homosexual, lupa pula. Tapi bagaimana jika ianya terjadi kepada anak anda? Adakah anda akan membunuh dan menyiksa sehingga mereka berubah? Adakah anda pasti tindakan sebegini akan membuatkan dia berubah?
4. Salahkan akal dan fikiran? Adakah mereka ini tergolong dari golongan yang tidak cerdik? Tidak. Statistik menunjukkan golongan ini semuanya bekerja sebagai golongan atasan malahan mempunyai bisnes sendiri.
5. Semua yang dipelajari oleh sains dan teknologi sudah tertulis berkurun lamanya di Al Quran. Jadi kita sedia maklum tentang kromosom bukan? X dan Y? Adakah saudara pernah terbaca tentang "kecacatan kromosom"? Ya homosexuality adalah kecacatan sebenarnya. Mereka tidak memilih untuk menjadi begini pun.
Jika semua pihak menghukum dan menyiksa golongan ini. Adakah ia akan berjaya? Kita cakap golongan ini ada akal dan boleh berfikir mana yang baik dan mana yang betul. Adakah kita juga mempraktikkannya? Wallahualam.
Banyak lagi kan kes bunuh dan kecurian di Malaysia. Tak pula diambil kisah. Yang tak habis--habis homosexuality yang dibangkitkan. Adakah kita benar-benar peka dengan keadaan sekeliling atau pun mengabur dengan menggunakan keadaan sekeliling juga? Tepuk dada tanya selera.
Tuhan maha adil. Tuhan maha kaya. Tuhan maha pengampun. Darinya kita datang, kepadanya kita kembali. :)
P/s: Kepada yang lantang bersuara, diharap ia tidak berlaku kepada anda dan juga anak-anak anda. Amin... :)
Faisal: Yup totally agree with you.
Mereka tak diminta untuk lahir begini. Dengan meletakkan full stop pada permasalahan ini sebenarnya tidak membantu. Cara yang lebih baik mungkin diperlukan. Pendekatan yang serius tentang ilmu agama dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang sihat perlu diterapkan. Seperti cadangan saya didlm entry ini agar mereka yang banyak menjatuhkan hukum ini untuk mendekati masalah-masalah ini dengan lebih terbuka bagi meyakinkan mereka bahawa perhubungan seperti ini tidak akan kemana. 'Mudah menunding jari, tidak mudah pula bagi yang memikul'. Jadi menjatuhkan hukum terus tidaklah membantu untuk masalah ini dihapuskan malahan lumrah manusia dimuka bumi ini, yang dilarang itu yang akan lebih dilakukan.
**Ya.. Saya bukan Gay. Akan dibuktikan satu hari nanti. Hehe. Amin. =)
Much has been said about this topic. But we must remember that this man-made-male arise alongside with the issue of man-made-female, and it also taken on the same boat with Gays. As much as Tomboy is Haram, Gay is on the same page. But most people tend to ignore the fact of gay-ism and putting much pressure to the lesbian-ism, when in fact both are forbidden.
You may say it might be due to the surroundings, it might be due to the frustration that engulfed them (either man or woman) or it might be due to lack of religious teachings no matter what religion one profess, but no matter how hard we tried to link those causes so that it become ‘rational’ in our mind that it is because of these causes that they chose this path, still, it is not the answer to the big question – WHY. The surroundings never make them as one. The frustration never gave them the alternative path. The problem lies with them. No one else. In my humble view, they choose to be ignorant to be arrogant enough that they think they can overcome HIS command. They blame the surroundings and whatever things and causes and circumstances that makes them as one, but never want to blame themselves. That’s human malfunction, so to speak.
I failed to register inside my mind on the root cause of this sinful act, no matter how good the explanation that comes along with that. And I keep on questioning myself, over and over again – What good does it make to them – the gays and the lesbians.
I asked few, both gender, of what good does it make to them. Simple answer – Happy. They just want to be happy. But I know that they are not happy. But they ‘think’ that they can’t be happy without. These people that I know of, are of much better position and are quite successful. Pathetic right?
For these kinda people...I feel sorry for them, not because of they are the victim of the surroundings or victim of the Fatwa Council or from the bashing of those higher authorities....but I feel sorry for them because of their stoofyd act that leads to nowhere. Simply pathetic.
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