The Bar Council is holding a half-day public forum to address the legal issues and the impact of recent highly-publicised cases of conversions to Islam. The forum, to be held from 8.30am to 1pm at the Bar Council Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur, is titled “Conversion to Islam: Art 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution, Subashini & Shamala Revisited”. It is part of efforts by the council’s Family Law Committee to draw attention to the various elements of family law involving Islam that require reform.

A large group of people demonstrating against the Bar Council's forum on conversion to Islam forced the forum to end early after police told organisers to wrap it up over safety concerns. The group of about 300 people from various non-governmental organisations, including two Opposition MPs, gathered at about 8.20am outside the Bar Council building on Jalan Lebuh Pasar Besar here to protest the forum which they said would undermine Islam. The group threatened many times to storm into the building if the forum was not stopped.
Episode 3 - 11th August 2008
“They can give opinions but they should do it intelligently, not by being rude like what they had done,” - Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
"Any discussions on the matter should involve those with the knowledge and authority because Islam stands on its own strength," Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang
Bar Council need to call it off as it touched on "a very sensitive issue" among the Malays and Muslims. Thay should be aware that Article 121(1a) of the Constitution, which pertained to religion and the Malay race, should not be discussed openly as doing so could provoke the Malays.
The Bar Council is a very important institution. It commands one of the highest respect of all the institutions. Don’t let the people have a wrong perception of it or let its dignity erode by those inside or outside of it. Bar Council should not play with the fire. The forum just make everything become worst. Why they have to do this? Why they need to play with the religion thingy?
Before this Bar Council already have forum about 'Hak-hak orang Melayu' and demonstration on the 9th Disember 2007. And two of the lawyers (Sivarasa Rasiah - Vice President of PKR and Latheefa Koya - Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PKR) from Bar Council join the demonstration. It's just a forum or strategy to abolish Power of Islam and Malay's in Malaysia by PKR?
Word of the day is 'ponder'.Salam
I ponder too, and wonder, why do the non-Muslims are more aggresive in bringing up this issue? When they do as such, we say "Not to speak about this in public, not to do this and that in public because some segments think that it might provoke the Malays."
The thing is, in my opinion, the root of the problem is within the non-malays who does not have the understanding on conversion to Islam. Why so? Because we failed to educate them. Why? Because each time they want to ask these kinda question, we rely on "dont talk this openly or do it behind the closed doors or this kinda question should never be posed in the first place". But really, if they dont ask, if things are do we want to lift the doubtful? How do we want to educate them the teachings of Islam? Preaching should be done openly. Let ppl understand. Conversion to Islam is not difficult. Not a complicated issue. But we make it sounds so complex.
The rules and regulations set by us, should always be revised. Only then those non muslims will have a clear picture of where they stand.
Another note, in conversion to Islam, why the malays are going mad? What about other muslims who are not malays?
For me, Bar Council is doing the right thing. That is the avenue to address things that we, the muslims, sometimes overlooked.
Ponder. As you said.
zara : Thanks for your great comment.
When you say 'we failed to educate them'. What do you think actually? I think u should read more about activity at the Bar Council, and please do some research about activities at ABIM and Jabatan Agama Islam to the non-Muslims. And then we will talk about this. Thanks.
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