Beautiful Eyes - Glenn Lewis
Beautiful eyes something bout the way you look at me
Is making me feel like this is a love for all time
Beautiful eyes something in your
eyes has got me hypnotised
That I wanna stay in this dream for life
You're my wonderful miracle so precious to my heart
I never thought it could be this
incredible to have you (to have you)
In my life you have completed me
You got me opened me
In love I always wanna see your (see your)
Beautiful eyes something bout the way you look at me
Is making me feel like this is a love for all time
Beautiful eyes something in your
eyes has got me hypnotised
That I wanna stay in this dream for life
Heaven must have sent you to me
I know your all I need (all I need)
To keep me going on from day to day
You're like sunshine and rain
With you I have no fear I feel no pain
Tears of joy I cry every time I see your eyes
(Chorus) 2x
Beautiful eyes something bout the way you look at me
Is making me feel like this is a love for all time
Beautiful eyes something in your
eyes has got me hypnotised
That I wanna stay in this dream for life
Beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes my life my love
(Chorus) 2x
Beautiful eyes something bout the way you look at me
Is making me feel like this is a love for all time
Beautiful eyes something in your
eyes has got me hypnotised
That I wanna stay in this dream for life
Beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes my life my love
Don't wanna go nowhere
Just wanna stay right here
Your beautiful eyes
Alhamdulillah for the Great Creation.
Yay! I'm the first.. la la la la
Ehem! Beautiful eyes. Erm. Every eyes are beautiful and its subjective depending on the way you look at him/her. In my case, I do feel uncomfortable if I'm being stared point blank. I admit that having a pair of beautiful eyes is somewhat nice, but it is even more nicer if that eyes speaks a thousand kindness without you even have to potray, and neither that eyes are seeking for sympathy but more into giving you peace by just looking at it. A great creation by HIM.
Kalau seseorang tu bisa memuji keindahan sepasang mata, sungguh besar kurniaan DIA - sempurna dan indah.
zara : Yup. U r the first! I like this zara - 'more nicer if that eyes speaks a thousand kindness without you even have to potray, and neither that eyes are seeking for sympathy but more into giving you peace by just looking at it' Huhu~
Yeah.. I feel more calm when i look at the pretty eyes and I hope that i can read their mind only with their eyes. Hope they can show me the beautiful creation of Allah and the truthful of their physical and soul.
They say: beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. If you have found her, don't let her go, for you will see that kindness thru her eyes, right from her heart and locks your eyes to your soul.
Wahh.. i am mumbling again. :)
You could read people’s mind by looking at her eyes. Do you know? You can tell whether the person is telling the truth or lies too. God is almighty. Be grateful as we have a complete pair of eyes which we could use to see the beauty of the world.
zara : Ermm.. I'll think bout it. Like i told u before, eyes can deceive, mouth can deceive, ears can deceive, .. The only one sense from the 5 senses can't deceive is smell = nose. =) Why? You have the answer.
Faisal : Yup. Agree with you Faisal. Alhamdulillah Allah give us opportunity to enjoy the Great Creation from HIM.
Anyway thanks for drop by Faisal. =)
for me it depends on the situation , but i do like to look at the person eyes when i am talking to them..as it tell us how sincere he/she is. but i do admit it would be difficult to stare at the eye of someone you like..As a pair of eyes can tell us a lot of thing.
A great creation by HIM could make us in love...
Malay Quote :Dari mata jatuh ke hati!!!
Salam skullsplitter...
“The eyes are the mirror of the soul”- Yiddish proverb
Our eyes can tell us a lot about ourselves and people around us... as we look around a room our eyes linger longer on things we find interesting... :)
I prefer to look in the eyes of the person I'm talking to... feel appreciated... and we know that the other party paying attention to what we gonna say next... unless he/she daydreaming during the conversation... eyes often judge... and never lies... :)
We can't tell someone personality through their eyes... but we can tell whether they are sad, sleepy, tired, lying, sexy or even high... it's a long list, okay!
In order for you to get to know the real person behind those ‘sexy’ eyes... you still need to spend time with him/her.... ahahahha :)
p/s: very nice entry... and I like crazie manic quotes... "Dari mata turun ke hati..."
Syahira : Ermm. But i can't have a good conversation when someone talk to me and staring at me at the same time. I feel not comfortable to continue the conversation.
Watch your eyes back, if you stare too long to your monitor, you will make your eyes sick...
1) berpinar2...
2) bengkak2
3) mula tak brapa nampak
4) mata rabak
5) kuyu
6) sakit kepala...
love-n-hate : Love the quote too! You say - 'In order for you to get to know the real person behind those ‘sexy’ eyes... you still need to spend time with him/her'
Yup, agree with that. We still need to spend time with him/her and we will know the true color of him/her. =)
zam : Thanks for the reminder. Huhu~ Terase lak! =)
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