7 Wishes and 7 Hopes
Like a film, all of us want and need to do something before we 'go'. Whoever did watch Seven Pounds, it show everything in there. Someone who is deeply depressed and guilt-ridden over mistakes from his past doing something that we can't expect will happen. That was his own way. But I think most of the story, it's about our life. And most of the scene got a connection with a real life, our life everyday. We do the same for us and others.
One of the scene when she called Ben and asked him to accompany her just on the phone while she's try to sleep is maybe one of the most things we do to our partner rite? I don't know, maybe just a few. Erm, actually this is not what I want to talked about, it's just an intro.
The important point is what we want to do before we 'go. I want to do something for my life before it come. I got a few list in my head. I don't know, maybe I can't fulfill everything but it's not something wrongdoing you do if you just can't. Our faith, with Him. But it really make me happy if i can do it. I hope so.
I need strength. I need soul. I need support. From everybody. Thank you.