
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year 2009!

Taken from flickr

Happy Chinese New Year to all my chinese friends!

According to the Chinese Zodiac and calender, this year, 2009 is the year of Ox. According to Wikipedia, the Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.

In this chinese new year, I would like to wish all of you my chinese friends good health, that you may live every day in comfort, the company of friends and family, that you may never be lonely, wisdom to choose priorities, that you might spend your life where it matters most and Happy New Year that bring you all the goodness you deserve!

Happy Chinese New Year!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Filem kita 'Mandom'?

Taken from flickr

Pernah dengar perkataan 'mandom'? Ntah la, aku sendiri belum pernah jumpa didalam mana-mana kamus dewan bahasa perkataan ini, tapi kefahaman aku lebih kepada suram, muram & lesu. Itu yang aku fahami. Berbalik pada cerita sebenar, adakah filem dinegara kita semakin 'mandom'?

Melihat pada perkembangan filem di Malaysia, secara jujur boleh kita katakan yang kita semakin maju dari segi teknologi perfileman walaupun 'agak' ketinggalan lebih dari 10 tahun kebelakang dari negara lain. Tapi apa yang saya rasakan disini itu bukan alasan untuk kita terus tunduk pada fakta itu. Secara logiknya, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina sendiri lebih banyak ketinggalan dari sudut ini, tapi mengapa hasil filem mereka lebih hebat dari kita?

Mungkin tidak layak untuk aku mengeluarkan kritikan kepada industri filem kita kerana boleh dikatakan hanya setahun jagung bergelumang didalam industri yang tidak pernah 'mati' ini. Tetapi mungkin sekadar sedikit pandangan dari mata kaca yang melihat bagaimana industri kita bergerak dan digerakkan.

Pandangan kecil aku industri filem kita boleh maju setaraf dengan yang lain cuma perlukan sedikit perubahan dan research yang lebih mendalam dalam menghasilkan sebuah filem. Teknologi bukan sesuatu yang boleh dibangga jika kualiti isi cerita tidak langsung menghasilkan impak pada penonton. Ramai mengatakan bahasa menjadi punca utama filem kita tidak diterima dinegara lain tapi bukankah itu hanya alasan? Mengapa filem Thailand, India etc boleh menembusi pasaran dunia? Sebagai contoh, filem Slumdog Millionaire hasil kerja dari India mampu memenangi
Golden Globe Awards untuk Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Director - Motion Picture (Danny Boyle), Best Screenplay (Simon Beaufoy) dan Best Original Score (A. R. Rahman), dan lima Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards. Dimana silapnya kita?

Ada yang mengatakan filem kita dikawal oleh adat dinegara ini yang menyekat kebebasan berkarya dimana hasil karya yang dibuat tidak sehebat mana bila tiada adegan yang mampu menarik penonton dari negara lain untuk menyukai hasil kerja kita. Ini juga satu alasan yang aku rasakan harus dibuang jauh. Filem Bollywood juga mengetengahkan adat mereka didalam berkarya malah lebih extreme dari filem kita. Tapi bagaimana filem mereka mampu menembusi pasaran luar? Adat seharusnya dijadikan satu perkara yang unik dalam memperkenalkan budaya yang ada dinegara kita, bukan dijadikan alasan utk tidak bebas berkarya.

Budget. Ini juga dikatakan satu masalah buat penggiat filem kita dari menghasilkan sebuah filem yang berkualiti. Ini juga aku labelkan sebagai alasan yang tak boleh diterima. Kerana pada aku Quality is Better than Quantity. Budget bukanlah satu masalah bagi menghasilkan filem yang menarik dan berkualiti, hasil alam yang dikurniakan ini sudah mampu menceritakan apa saja isi cerita yang kita mahu utarakan, cuma kreativiti, research, keinginan yang mendalam dan kesungguhan dalam menghasilkan filem itu yang lebih penting. Ini kerana tanpa semua ini, pemikiran kita tidak sentiasa berkembang untuk menghasilkan yang terbaik.

Bukan tiada langsung hasil kerja kita diiktiraf diperingkat antarabangsa, seperti filem-filem Yasmin Ahmad yang telah byk memenangi anugerah diperingkat antarabangsa dan beberapa lagi penggiat filem secara underground tetapi setakat ini sahajakah? Bila lagi Penerbit, Pengarah & Pelakon kita nak berjalan diatas karpet merah sebagai calon untuk anugerah di pentas Academy Award, Golden Globe etc? Kita perlukan perubahan.

Mungkin ramai yang berpandangan bahawa ini hanya satu kritikan yang tak harus diendahkan, tapi percaya setiap kritikan jadikanlah ia sebagai tangga untuk membina satu pembaharuan dalam memartabatkan industri filem kita dimata dunia. Kita mampu untuk menyaingi mereka, cuma sedikit usaha yang lebih, kita mungkin setaraf dengan mereka satu hari nanti. InsyaAllah.

Hanya pandangan dari sudut hati aku yang inginkan sesuatu yang segar dari penggiat filem kita dan mungkin dari diri aku sendiri satu hari nanti. Mungkin. Siapa yang tahu. =)

Just my 2 cents.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Forgive Her

Everybody, please forgive her for what she did.

Give her chance to have a new life, to change.

Besides all the bad things happen, I can see chance for her to be a better person. She was a nice person I know and it's true. For example, she saw so much potential in me to be healthy like others that she did everything in her power to harden and support me to make me a stronger person. That's was a good thing I love about her. She has a kind heart, but maybe she just try to prove something for her better life, but she do it in the wrong way, bad way.

You might want to argue with me, you might want me to shut up, but don't bother, guys, this is what my heart is saying that she has her own reason to lie. You're entitled to listen to your heart. It may say something different. That doesn't make mine wrong. See how that works?

An important point, we can hate what she did, and still forgive her. It's in the teachings of many religions. The power of redemption. Rising above our nature. Overcoming our past, and then becoming greater, cleaner, more free, more human.

Forgive her. Thank you.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Help Palestine!

Why would they even spend hundreds of millions of dollars on weapons, when the Palestinian people suffer?

How much more must the Palestinian people suffer, how many more children must be lost and how many more mothers must cry?

Why Palestine? Well, if we compare problems facing people in other parts of the world, including what our country is facing, then the condition in Palestine is the worst. People there face a question of life and death every day. They have to answer a question of what to eat today on top of how to survive from bombing or guns on a daily basis.

Sometimes, I can't believe the ignorance of some people who think that Israel do the right thing to attack Palestine. Israeli soldiers are taking over Palestine, they kill anyone, don't matter what, even little kids, Palestine doesn't have an army just civilians, that's why Palestinians bomb Israeli soldiers, because they have nothing else to live for. We have to help Palestine, we have to do something about it. Lets help our our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Mercy's Malaysia is one of the organization appeals to the public to donate to the Palestine Relief Fund. It will support them efforts to procure emergency surgical kits, additional medicine and hospital equipment which will be channeled to the affected communities in Gaza. If you wiling to donate please donate to the account below. Maybe your RM1 can save 1 life in Gaza. Lets do the right thing!

Cheque payable to MERCY MALAYSIA
CIMB Account No : 1424-000-6561053


MAYBANK Account No : 5621 7950 4126

You can also download MERCY's donation form.
Download Donation Form

For more information please contact 03-2273 3999 or email MERCY at


KT's election

With three days before polling, there is still no clear indication who will be the most preferred representative for the people in the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary constituency.

The by-election will see 80,229 voters cast their ballots to choose between BN's Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh, PAS' Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut and an Independent Azharuddin Mamat @ Adam.

KT's peoples! Do what you have to do for your better future. This not about political thingy, but it's about your future. Which one is better for your education, your development and your economy. It's all in your hand now. Think and learn. Vote with brain not with emotion.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

She's happy, I'm happy!

It's about someone dear to me. I'm glad to hear that she's working now.

I'm glad to hear that she's getting better. I'm glad to hear that she's start to do what she have to do.

I'm glad to hear that she's happy. I'm glad to hear everything about her.

I'll always pray for your happiness dear. =)

*Do what you have to do.. =)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bye 2008, Hello 2009.

It's a New Year for everybody. For me.

It's a new life. New book. New writing.

Good bye 2008. It's a great life I had on 2008.

Talk about new year, everyone had a wish. To success. To make more money.

To have a great job.

Me? I just wish, I'm always in a good health. I want to move on.

I want to keep searching for something I left before. I want to find Him.

It's only Him I had. I don't deserve anyone in this world. I don't deserve forgiveness from anyone. I know.

But I just try to say sorry, because I mean it. So, all my friends, my dear, my mom, my dad, sister & brothers, my colleague, my boss, my ex, you who read this, anyone I know and anyone who know me, I want to say sorry for everything I've done. Really sorry and I mean it. And wish all of you all the best in this new year, new life.

